Tax Collector
Tax Maps, Cards & Bills
For more detailed information on the collection of taxes please email us at or call the town office at (207) 445-2014, option 3.
CLICK HERE for self service tax cards, maps and property information
You can even generate an abutters list and see who owns a property.
We no longer email tax cards and property tax information to you.
You can print them from your computer by clicking on the "click here" above.
If you would like a copy of a tax map, please click here.
Aerial photos can be obtained by clicking here. You will need to switch the basemap to imagery hybrid using the first icon at the top right of the page.
If you have any questions about using this site, please email us at Please note when entering a map and lot in the search field, you must use this format XX-XXX (ie 27-005).
Deeds can be obtained from the Kennebec Registry of Deeds for FREE! Please visit and create your free account.
The town does not email deeds.
2024-2025 Taxes
The 2024-2025 taxes were committed August 12, 2024. Tax bills were mailed August 19, 2024 and are available to view and print to the right. When printing, be sure to specify current page otherwise you may print the whole file.
First half is due MONDAY, 9/30/24 and second half is due MONDAY, 3/30/25.
Payments can now be made online. Please click HERE to use this feature. There is a fee associated. Now accepting debit & credit cards and echecks. You can view the fee before completing the transaction. Echeck fees are $1.
- Tax maps, property cards and information This link went live on March 23, 2016 and has property cards (and associated information), aerial photos, abutter lists and many other features.
- China Tax Bills 2024-2025 (personal property bills are listed first)
- 2024 sortable real estate spreadsheet.xlsx
- China Tax Bills 2023-2024
- 2023 sortable real estate spreadsheet.xlsx
- China Tax Bills 2022-2023 Personal Property and Real Estate A-J
- China Tax Bills 2022-2023 Real Estate K-Z
- 2022 sortable real estate spreadsheet.xlsx
- China Tax bills 2021-2022
- 2021 sortable real estate spreadsheet
- China Tax Bills 2020-2021
- 2020 sortable real estate spreadsheet
- China Tax Bills 2019-2020
- 2019 sortable real estate spreadsheet
- China tax bills 2018-2019
- China tax bills 2017-2018
- China Tax Bills 2016-2017
- China Tax Bills 2015-2016
- China Tax Bills 2014-2015 When printing, make sure to specify current bill otherwise you may print all 3400 bills.
- China Tax bills 2013-2014 Be careful when printing a single bill to choose the setting current page
- China Tax bills 2012-2013
- China tax bills 2011-2012 committed July 6, 2011
- China tax bills 2010-11
- China tax bills 2009-2010
- China tax bills 2008-09
- China Tax bills 2007-08
- China tax bills 2006-07
- China tax bills 2005-06
- China tax bills 2004-05