Transfer Station
191 Alder Park Rd China, Maine 04358
Transfer Station Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am-5pm;
Saturday - 7am-3pm
CLOSED Sunday, Monday & Thursday
Telephone: (207) 445-2014, option 2

Tom, Cj, Tim and Josh
The China Transfer Station is located at 191 Alder Park Road. The Transfer Station is staffed by Joshua Watson, Thomas Maraggio, Cheyenne (Cj) Houle and Timothy Hatch. The town and staff at the transfer station would like to encourage residents to recycle more and throw less trash in the "hopper." A substantial savings can be realized if all community members participate in the various recycling programs the transfer station offers.
The new Transfer Station Access Policy was adopted on October 23, 2023 and updated on June 17, 2024. The policy can be viewed here. This policy ends the use of a single, free floating RFID tag and repeals and replaces the RFID Policy.
The town will issue a access permit (transfer station sticker) to an authorized transfer station user for each vehicle requiring access to the China transfer station. To obtain an access permit, a yearly fee of $2.00 will be charged per access permit. Access permits are non-transferrable. Beginning January 1, 2024, every vehicle entering the transfer station must have an access permit.
Access permits will only be issued to vehicles currently registered in China with limited exceptions. Camp and seasonal property owners must obtain an access permit for each vehicle entering the transfer station. Only municipal solid waste, brush or demolition generated at the China location will be accepted. Camp and seasonal property owners will be identified by license plate and the last name of the property owner on the access permit. Those China residents who have work vehicles registered to a company who want access to the transfer station must prove they are current residents of the town to be issued an access permit. Rental vehicles may obtain a temporary pass at no cost for the duration of the rental for entry. For all rental homes and rental camps (for short term use - those not registering a vehicle in China), you must purchase a temporary pass for $2.00 to access the transfer station. The rental agreement must be shown to purchase an access pass for the duration of the rental. Other non-registration users will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will pay the $2.00 fee for the temporary pass or access pass. For all other situations, the Town Manager or authorized representative will make the determination for issuance, if appropriate.
Palermo residents and camp owners may obtain this access permit at the transfer station. Please see attendant with proof of residency (e.g. vehicle registration, tax bill). Anyone needing a temporary pass will need to go to the China town office with the appropriate documentation to obtain a pass.
Palermo residents may still use the RFID placards but must stop every time they enter the China Transfer Station and see an attendant before unloading any items.
**Please remember that metal and waste oil can be brought to the transfer station at any time, for no fee, during regular business hours.
Brush under 12" in diameter is acceptable. We do not accept stumps.
Compost is available at no charge.
Recycling saves tax dollars!
Director of Public Services:
Shawn Reed -
Transfer Station Attendants:
Joshua Watson
Thomas Maraggio (Site Supervisor)
Cheyenne Houle (Cj) (Safety Coordinator)
Timothy Hatch -
China residents are allowed (2) 5 gallon buckets of sand per storm. The sand bin is located at the transfer station to the right as you pull in.
Palermo residents MUST get their sand from the Palermo sand/salt shed, located on the North Palermo Road in Palermo.

China and Palermo User Fees
Any item not kitchen household trash is considered demo and has a disposal fee.
What Is Acceptable?
Transfer Station Access Policy- updated 6/2024
Solid Waste Ordinance- 6/13/2023
China/Palermo User Fee Schedule- approved 11/18/2024
China/Palermo Solid Waste Disposal Agreement with Amendment #1
China/Palermo Solid Waste Disposal Agreement with Amendment #2
Albion Residents please contact the Albion Town Office. There is no 2025 agreement to use the China Transfer Station.
Town of China Recycling Center
The Recycling Center is located at the China Transfer Station at 191 Alder Park Rd. Upon entering the Transfer Station, you will find the Recycling Center as the first building on your right. China recycles plastics, metal and aluminum cans, glass, newspaper & magazines, and corrugated cardboard. Cereal boxes are NOT cardboard and need to be recycled with mixed paper. Only China and Palermo residents may recycle at the China Transfer Station.
Paintcare is here!! At the Transfer Station for China residents. Latex, oil based, shellacs, primers, sealers and more are now accepted at the Transfer Station. Product containers must have sealed lids and the original label. We can accept amounts up to 5 gallons at one time. Please see the list of acceptable and non-acceptable items or visit for more information on the program.
Our Apparel Impact bin is here! Here is a list of acceptable items (also shown in the 2020 Annual Report)
- All clothing
- All accessories
- All shoes
- Sheets/Blankets
Apparel Impact 2020 Annual Report
Please visit for more information on this program!
Thank you for recycling!
Free for the Taking
Please take the time to check out our "Free for the Taking" building. If you wish to leave gently used, unwanted items, please stop and see an attendant!
Looking to volunteer Karen Hatch and she will gladly add you to the schedule She is always looking for assistance with organizing all the donated items.
Free For the Taking Rules as follows:
- China & Palermo residents only
- Must have current access pass to enter or use this area
- Please stop and see an attendant before leaving items
- No broken or dirty items
- No car seats
- No electronics
- No encyclopedias
- No light bulbs of any kind
- No mattresses or box springs
- No worn, ripped, or stained furniture
- No chemicals of any kind including pool chemicals and antifreeze
- No food of any kind
- No weapons of any kind including guns and knives
- No underwear, no dirty ripped or stained clothes
- No worn out shoes
- No ACs or refrigerators
When snow falls and winter is upon us, we cannot leave bulky items outside over night for crew safety and plowing hazards. For this reason, bulky items that cannot fit inside the building must be removed and placed in DEMO at the end of the day. We must charge for these bulky items when dropped off at the Free for the Taking Building as insurance for disposal fees. If these fees are not covered by the person dropping the item off, town funds must be used to dispose of the item. Please stop and see an attendant before dropping ANY ITEM off as there may be a fee associated with the item. If any item is taken from the Free for the Taking Building and RETURNED the fee must be paid by the returning party.