Public Works

The China Public Works Department is committed to providing a high-quality service to our residents. The China Public Works strives to maintain and improve China’s infrastructure in a safe, efficient, respectful, and competent manner while being sensitive of the costs and concerns of the residents of our community.

The garage is located at 211 Alder Park Road.

Public Works Crew
Rick, Marty, Tim, Keith and Shawn

For more road information, please contact:

Shawn Reed, Director of Public Services, at or Jen Chamberlain, Deputy Clerk, at

Shawn Reed, Marty Britten, Rick Stimson, Keith Seavey and Tim Hatch work together to keep our roads safe and maintained in both the summer and winter.

Please call (207) 445-2014, option 4, or email us (above) with any town road issues.

China residents are allowed (2) 5 gallon buckets of sand per storm. The sand bin is located at the Transfer Station to the right as you pull in.

To report a street light out please e-mail and include the street name, CMP pole number and/or other landmark, problem with the light (ex. out, cycling, day-burner, etc.) and name and phone number. Any questions contact Jen at (207) 445-2014, option 3. 

List of State Aid Roads in China are as follows:

  • Stanley Hill Road
  • Neck Road (from Stanley Hill)
  • Route 32 North and South
  • Alder Park Rd

*Any issues are handled through DOT.

China DOT Branch number is 445-2244.

Road Committee

The Road Committee is appointed for a one year term.

Frederick Anderson
Brent Chesley
Dale Peabody
Shawn Reed
Jennifer Chamberlain
Wayne Chadwick- advisory only

Road Association - Part 1

Road Association - Part 2

Road Association - Part 3

Public Works Truck

Town Office
571 Lakeview Drive
China, ME 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014
Fax: (207) 445-2014

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
CLOSED Wednesdays
First & Last Saturday of each month 8am - 11am

Transfer Station
191 Alder Park Rd
China, Maine 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014, option 2

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am-5pm
Saturday - 7am-3pm
CLOSED Sunday, Monday & Thursday

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