Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee

Brent Chesley- Chair
Lucas Adams
Karen Morin
James Pitney
Benjamin Weymouth

Mission (created on 8/22/2018)

The TIF Committee will focus upon enhancing the two public lake access areas on the Causeway on the northern tip of the lake and the South China Boat landing in the southern tip. These improvements will expand public access to the lake and help to lay the foundation for new business opportunities. Likewise, public land around the Town office will be targeted for a commercial venture related to water quality, research or other similar venture. Other proposed projects such as trail development and creating a loan fund are also designed to improve our local economy, create jobs and improve the local tax base.  

The Committee will also develop a Revolving Loan and provide detailed instructions for its operations and funding.

China Third TIF Program- 2024

TIF Application for funding- Final

Revolving Loan Fund Application- Final

Findings- Second Amendment 2021

Second Amended TIF Program approved 2021 by China voters and Maine DECD

Thurston Park 2024-2025 final

China Broadband 2024-2025 final

China Four Seasons Club 2024-2025 final

China Ice Days 2024-2025 final

China Lake Association 2024-2025 final

TOC- KVCOG 2024-2025 final

TOC- Intern 2024-2025 final

TOC- Mid Maine Chamber 2024-2025 final

TOC- China Community Days 2024-2025 final

China Lake

China is run by a Town Manager and various committees and boards, such as the select board. 

Some of these officials are elected officials, while others are appointed officials. 

Freedom of Information training for elected officials:

Please remember to turn in the form to the town office that confirms you took the training.

Interested in joining a committee?!

Please fill out the application linked below and submit to the Town Clerk.

Town Office
571 Lakeview Drive
China, ME 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014
Fax: (207) 445-2014

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
CLOSED Wednesdays
First & Last Saturday of each month 8am - 11am

Transfer Station
191 Alder Park Rd
China, Maine 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014, option 2

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am-5pm
Saturday - 7am-3pm
CLOSED Sunday, Monday & Thursday

January 2025
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