Code Enforcement

China Welcomes You signChina's Code Enforcement Officer Nicholas French can be reached by email at or phone (207) 445-2014 option 5.

If you are looking to obtain a permit, please don't wait until the last minute.  The CEO has 35 days to issue the permit once you have applied.  

You may download the applicable attachments listed below.

You MUST obtain permits before starting a project or face fines and possible removal your project. 

All contractors working within the shoreland zone MUST be contractors certified by DEP in erosion and sediment control practices. Homeowners should verify the contractor's certification as it needs to be renewed. See more information below in blue. 

For most earthwork contractors and inspectors, Maine DEP Certification in Erosion Control Practices is a voluntary certification in which individuals can demonstrate their commitment to protecting our natural resources through the use of proper erosion and sedimentation control practices. However, Maine law does require that any “contractor” working in the municipal shoreland zone must ensure an individual certified in Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices (ESC) by Maine DEP is present on the site during all phases of soil disturbance, and is responsible for the installation and maintenance of any Best Management Practices (BMPs).

§439-B. Contractors certified in erosion control (Text of Shoreland Zone Certification requirement)

How to Get Certified/Recertified/Reinstated in Erosion Control Practices

Individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices

List of Individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices ("Certified Contractors")


Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices

List of Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices

A Company Certified in Erosion Control Practices by the Department is one that has taken the extra step to ensure, at a minimum, all its construction site supervisors individually-trained and Certified in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP. Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices must resubmit a current organizational chart with the names of all site supervisors to the Department every three years.

The basic premise in certifying a company in this manner is to ensure that all of the company's construction sites are supervised by an individual that is certified in erosion and sediment control practices.

Companies seeking certification should contact John Maclaine for more information.


Benefits of Certification

Certification in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP affords additional benefits, including:

  • Ability to conduct soil disturbance work or qualify as the responsible person on-site for installation and maintenance of erosion and sedimentation controls under Maine Shoreland Zoning Law.
  • Listing as a DEP-Certified Contractor
  • The ability to forgo the Department’s 14-day waiting period for Stream Crossings (Section 10 only) using Permit By Rule
  • Qualify to submit erosion and sedimentation control plans under Stormwater Permit By Rule.
  • Publications and resources from the NPSTC

Maine Forest Service- website link

Shoreland Zoning, Bur. of Lan & Water Quality, Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

Nonpoint Source Training Center, Land Resources, Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

Building Permit & Review Fees revised 6/21/2022 Building Permit & Review Fees revised 6/21/2022

Building Permit Application- updated 2024

Internal plumbing application 2018

CEO permit application- this is NOT a building permit


China Timber Harvest - Notice of Intent fillable PDF China Timber Harvest - Notice of Intent fillable PDF

Land Use Map revised 4/23/2010 Land Use Map revised 4/23/2010

Driveway Location Permit- fillable form

Stairway Guard Handrail Requirements

Deck Standards

Deck Fastening Guide

Egress windows

DEP Department Order #07-2021 Ordinance Approval

HHE-200A Tank Replacement form

Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation revised 2015

Conditional Use Permit Application revised 2018

Request to meet with the Planning Board- also complete the "Planning Board Permit Application"

Planning Board Permit Application revised 2018

Sign Permit revised 2019

Variance& Appeal application revised 8/2018 (fee only)

Complaint Form

Town Office
571 Lakeview Drive
China, ME 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014
Fax: (207) 445-2014

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm
CLOSED Wednesdays
First & Last Saturday of each month 8am - 11am

Transfer Station
191 Alder Park Rd
China, Maine 04358

Phone: (207) 445-2014, option 2

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7am-5pm
Saturday - 7am-3pm
CLOSED Sunday, Monday & Thursday

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